
Group 1

April 8, 2019

New Beginning

Ivica Mitrović & Oleg Šuran, University of Split (Croatia)

More than ever before the time of the so-called “Anthropocene” (or “Capitalocene”) opens possibilities for extreme scenarios that are about to take place in the near future. Extreme climate conditions imply not only changes to our living environment, but also impose changes to our social, economic and political relations. These new circumstances could be a catalyst for a new beginning — new forms of social and economic organisation.

We will investigate alternative models for social and economic organisation for the near future. The intention is to try to reflect on (and analyse) some of the past organisational models and movements, which had mostly disappeared by the end of the 20th century. We will design a social model of alternative social systems of the near future, communities that will reflect and cope with life after disaster.

Our focus will be on the local (southeastern European) context, movements from the last century (e.g. cooperatives or Pioneer movements), as well as artistic avant garde movements (e.g. NSK). The aim of the workshop is to investigate persisting social frictions, and envision overly dramatised social roles and dynamics. Workshops will deal with micro communities and the persistence of local movements/collectives/cooperatives vs larger nation states in the near future, and perhaps we will design a new Pioneer Pledge (Future Friends?) for the 21st century.