
Call for Case studies! (CLOSED)

November 28, 2019

SpeculativeEdu open call for contributions of exemplary practices.

As a part of our mission to give an overview of Speculative Design in Europe and beyond, in order to strengthen educational approaches to Speculative Design, we are opening the SpeculativeEdu website to case studies of exemplary practice. In the first year of the SpeculativeEdu project we have featured a number of educators and practitioners who have helped us to build a clearer picture of the Speculative Design landscape. Moreover, we have published the call for a major survey related to Speculative Design education. We will continue with these activities in the project’s second year, with a new series of interviews related to the discourse and practice of Speculative Design, and with the survey still open to contributions.

The call is open for all types of practice: research, projects and/or process presentations, and so on – but they must be grounded in Speculative Design and related practices. Contributions – from all over the world – may be based on projects from professional practice, self-initiated projects, projects from educational practices, etc.

Join us! Share your case study, get published and promoted by SpeculativeEdu, become part of our design community! Contributions to be sent to info@speculativeedu.eu. DEADLINE 1st of June 2020! (CLOSED)


Case studies to appear on the SpeculativeEdu website will be curated by the project partners.

SpeculativeEdu (Speculative Design – Educational Resource Toolkit) is a project funded by the European Union’s ERASMUS+ programme, with the aim of strengthening Speculative Design education. The project’s scope is to collect, exchange, reflect upon, develop and advance educational practice in the area of Speculative Design, and to support its self-critical approach. The work of the project will contribute to the development of novel educational skills and practices for the 21st century, especially those focused on the critical relations between technology and people (society).

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